Your bequest, a gift to the future
A bequest to our Foundation is a gift you will make in the future to help care for seniors in the future. A bequest can take several forms and can be an important and useful tool in estate and tax planning.
You can choose to bequeath your entire estate, a specific amount, a residual interest (part or all of the balance of an estate after named bequests you specify have been made) or any real property and assets. Canadian legislation provides significant tax advantages for many people, through a variety of types of bequests.
Your financial advisor or tax planner can advise you on the details, but regardless of your circumstances a bequest is a powerful tool to ensure that what you consider important remains so when your estate is being settled.
Before including a bequest to the Nisbet Lodge-McClintock Manor Foundation in your will:
Ensure you have provided adequately for family and other loved ones;
Discuss your intentions with others who may be affected (such as children or your executor);
Consult your professional financial and/or legal advisors.
If you want to name the Foundation in your will, your lawyer will want the precise and correct name: The Nisbet Lodge-McClintock Manor Foundation. Ideally, your bequest would specify that you want your gift to be used to “support the general purposes of the Foundation.” For any question related to bequests, or gifts of securities, life insurance or other gifts please contact Sandy Hall, CEO.
Phone: 416-469-1105 ext. 1123 Email: sandyhall@nisbetlodge.com