About Us
Nisbet Lodge-McClintock Manor Charitable Foundation exists to raise funds and other donations to enhance the comfort, dignity and welfare of aging residents and tenants, and help keep Nisbet well-equipped and prepared for future service.
Funding – We are grateful to the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care for its support along with that received through the Home and Community Care Support Services (HCCSS)(previously Toronto Central LHIN ). Views expressed on this web site do not necessarily reflect those of the Home and Community Care Support Services (HCCSS) or of the Government of Ontario.
Nisbet Lodge is a charitable, not-for-profit organization. We are a home that cares for just over 100 seniors at any given time. We offer residents accommodation and care that fulfills the needs of today’s seniors, in a Christian environment. We value the total individual, caring for the physical, recreational, emotional and spiritual needs of those entrusted to our care. We are committed to providing compassionate care to maximize peoples’ strengths.
McClintock Manor is an apartment building for seniors (59+) who can live on their own. We provide 62 apartments where seniors can live independently in a “good-neighbour community” that is well run and maintained, in an atmosphere enhanced by Christian values. The building is a mix of market-rate and rent-geared-to-income (RGI) rentals.